
Menampilkan postingan dari 2013

WarungOke.Com is Re-Born !

WarungOke.Com is Re-Born ! Salah satu Toko Online dengan konsep Invoice E-mail yang memang khusus dibangun dari blog dengan  domain yang memang khusus dipesan untuk kebutuhan Toko Online. Dibantu dengan script PHP yang  tertanam di hosting sebagai jembatan atau pengolah transaksi melalui keranjang belanja di WarungOke.Com . Cara berbelanja di WarungOke.Com sama seperti halnya dengan shopping chart lainnya, calon pembeli cukup melihat-lihat barang. Jika berminat membeli, maka calon pembeli menambahkan item barang ke dalam keranjang belanja (Shopping Chart). Setiap item atau beberapa item barang yang masuk ke dalam keranjang belanja, total harga jumlah barangnya akan otomatis bertambah. Detail cara belanja bisa dilihat di .

Pre Order Polo T-Shirt Fedora Indonesia

Setelah beberapa minggu membuka Pre Order Polo T-Shirt Fedora Indonesia  kloter ke-2, akhirnya pemesan telah mencapai kuota minimum pre order sebanyak 20 orang. Pre order Polo T-Shirt Fedora Indonesia masih tetap dibuka, dengan mengisi data-datanya di . Syarat, ketentuan, dan penjelasan tertulis jelas di form tersebut.

Hari Kedua Cinta Sekolah

Hari kedua Cinta sekolah di TK Angkasa. Persiapan dengan baju TNI Angkatan Udara di pagi hari. Hari kedua sepertinya singkat saja seperti hari pertama, hanya perkenalan dan pembiasaan diri terhadap teman-teman baru, guru-guru yang baik, dan lingkungan sekolah. Berharap Cinta bisa lebih menyesuaikan diri di lingkungan Sekolah :-)

Frame Avatar of Mozillians for Firefox Celebration

This is Frame Avatar of Mozillians for Firefox Celebration that I've got from mailing list id-mozilla.

Ketika Hacking "Merakyat" dan Disalahgunakan

"Gadis Cantik Curhat, Diintip Webcam Saat Mandi", itu adalah judul berita yang ada di salah satu portal berita terkenal di Indonesia. Dan menjadi salah satu top post di portal tersebut. Berita itu saya dapatkan informasinya dari rekan kerja sambil bertanya, "Apa kira-kira yang pembaca dapatkan jika mas baca sampai selesai berita ini ? Sekedar sensasikah ? Atau dari teknik hacking-nya ?", kurang lebih seperti itu pertanyaannya. Saya jawab, "Kemungkinan besar pembaca akan lebih tertarik kepada teknik hacking-nya, bagaimana cara supaya pembaca bisa seperti peretas yang bisa mengambil alih komputer orang lain secara online". Dari hal tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa berita yang di-post tadi memang baik disampaikan, tapi perlu diperhatikan dari sisi penyampaian teknik hacking-nya. Titik berat dari berita tersebut bukannya pembaca memberikan simpati kepada korban, tapi cenderung untuk mencari tahu bagaimana pembaca melakukan teknik seperti peretas (hacker) terseb...

Online Programming Challenges on Coderbyte

Coderbyte is a web application built to help people practice their programming skills with their collection of programming challenges. The challange range is easy, medium, hard, and advanced. There are three kind of challanges at Coderbyte ; Solved Programming Challanges, Write Algorithms for  Games, and Compete in Competition.

Mobile Blogging is More Refreshing

Blogging is Refreshing, but Mobile Blogging is More Refreshing. This time, I will push my blogging activity with mobile blogging. This concept was born from my life journey since I have mobile gadget like Android. With this concept, creates a new blog name " ". lensadroid are always updates every day. After 5 days, this blog has reached 1269 visitors (10:54:29 WIB; GMT+7). This is the screenshot of lensadroid after blogging with blogger application at Android :

Upload XML File to Connect to FTP Server with FileZilla

This morning, I've got a call from the client about permission of his FTP Client link. He is can't access and Could not connect to server with response: 530 Login incorrect (critical error). To see that condition, I suggest to check back host, username, and password which has been given. But still couldn't connect, he said. And then I try also to access on my computer, using his account. Hehehe.. He is right :D Then I suggest another way, namely by upload XML File to connect to FTP Server with FileZilla. Instructions are as follows : Open your FileZilla FTP client. Select the Import option from the File menu (File ⇀ Import). Select the XML file you have just downloaded and click OK. To open a connection to your FTP server, select the Site Manager feature from the File menu (File ⇀ Site Manager). v.1.0 was born

Finally, was born. This website was built to provide information on all activities in Indonesia. But the version 1.0 is still limited to the existing activities, especially activities or day-to-day routine of which is commemorated in Indonesia. This website is developed (in terms of content, redesigning, and reprogramming) by Team Research and Development of Bagonjong.IT. display is as follows:

Happy Birthday Budi ! by Google


Gmail inbox is getting a new look on the desktop, iOS, and Android

Google has done a lot of significant changes in several application services. Starting from Youtube, Blogger, Google+, Gtalk change to Hangout, image search system, Google Map, and now Gmail. Not only from the side view, a Google policy was changed, starting from the Google Apps that were once free now turned into a trial for 30 days :D The following excerpts are taken from the Official Gmail Blog news posted by Itamar Gilad as Product Manager : We get a lot of different types of email: messages from friends, social notifications, deals and offers, confirmations and receipts, and more. All of these emails can compete for our attention and make it harder to focus on the things we need to get done. Sometimes it feels like our inboxes are controlling us, rather than the other way around. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Today, Gmail is getting a brand new inbox on desktop and mobile that puts you back in control using simple, easy organization.

Password is Inherited

For internetholic, which has so many accounts at several web, certainly has a lot of different of passwords. And in a certain period of time, surely we should change the password for the security of our data. Have you ever thought of you, if the "contract period" of your life have been exhausted? Heheheee .. Password is inherited ! So many applications that can help us to save passwords. but the important thing is that you have inherited the password to someone you trust; such as the wife, child, or your family :) It can be concluded that in order to maintain data security through our password is as follows: Documentation of your passwords safely. Passed on the password to the person who you believe (Password is Inherited). Do not ever underestimate this case, the password is the most important key to the lives of those around you, especially if the password is the password of your clients ;)

Cara Mengetahui Cuaca di Kota Padang Melalui text-terminal (CLI) di Linux

Terkait posting H4nk mengenai Teknik Grabbing dengan CURL di PHP , saya jadi teringat dengan command line untuk mengambil beberapa teks berupa kata atau kalimat dari suatu web. Perbedaannya di sini adalah saya menggunakan Command Line Interface pada Terminal di Linux, lalu perintah yang saya gunakan menggunakan wget. wget selalu digunakan oleh user linux dalam men-download aplikasi atau informasi melalui protokol http, https, atau ftp. Berikut salah satu contoh perintah wget (sekaligus screenshot) untuk mengetahui cuaca kota Padang menggunakan Wget : Bagaimana cara dan penjelasannya, nanti akan saya post di tulisan berikutnya :D

WebE Transformation Process into Flow Chart

There is so many process that can be used by a project manager to develop web application. But, the most appropriate for my opinion is use a WebE Process. WebE or Web Engineering is a process that includes the stages of implementation starting from initiation to deployment. WebE Process can be found from Book of Software Engineering by Roger S. Pressman. The following is an overview of WebE : WebE Process