Training of Linux Complete for Dhuafa
There's something special event at LP3T Nurul Fikri (NF Computer) Padang, it's Training of Linux Complete for Dhuafa, which was held in cooperation between NF Computer Padang with Dompet Dhuafa Singgalang (DDS). This event was held as a form of concern over the problem of unemployment in the city of Padang. Expected after following a series of training, participants can implement the results in everyday life, whether for work or entrepreneurship. Training conducted for eight days starting from August 10 until August 20, 2011 at the Home of Linux, NF Computer Padang, Jalan Hamka No. 11 (opposite Basko Grand Mall) . NF Computer Trainer who will provide training material is Yaddi Surahman ie , a teacher NF Computer Padang and Linux activists who joined also in a community named KPLI Padang . Branch Head Manager of DDS Musfi Yendra said, "Banyak orang besar justru berangkat dari kekurangan atau keterbatasan.” ( Many great men actually dep