Google has done a lot of significant changes in several application services. Starting from Youtube, Blogger, Google+, Gtalk change to Hangout, image search system, Google Map, and now Gmail. Not only from the side view, a Google policy was changed, starting from the Google Apps that were once free now turned into a trial for 30 days :D The following excerpts are taken from the Official Gmail Blog news posted by Itamar Gilad as Product Manager : We get a lot of different types of email: messages from friends, social notifications, deals and offers, confirmations and receipts, and more. All of these emails can compete for our attention and make it harder to focus on the things we need to get done. Sometimes it feels like our inboxes are controlling us, rather than the other way around. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Today, Gmail is getting a brand new inbox on desktop and mobile that puts you back in control using simple, easy organization.