
Cara Mengakses Karya Ilmiah Skripsi Mahasiswa Universitas Bung Hatta

  Hai civitas akademika Universitas Bung Hatta ! Buat kamu yang ingin melihat karya ilmiahnya melalui jaringan internet dimanapun kamu berada, kamu tak perlu repot data ke perpustakaan Universitas Bung Hatta . Kamu cukup mengunjungi atau bisa juga kunjungi laman : .

Mengatasi Tampilan Tidak Rapih pada Saat Instalasi Awal OJS 3

Pada saat melakukan instalasi awal Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3 di Hosting, kita mendapati tampilan OJS 3 yang berantakan seperti gambar di atas, hal tersebut terjadi karena OJS3 menggunakan function readfile. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut cukup men- disable function readfile pada file /lib/pkp/controllers/page/ readfile($cachedFile); Menjadi echo file_get_contents($cachedFile); Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

Ebook Padang Food Recipe

Download: Padang food or Minang food is the cuisine of the Minangkabau people of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is among the most popular food in Maritime Southeast Asia. It is served in restaurants mostly owned by perantauan (migrating) Minangkabau people in Indonesian cities. Padang food is ubiquitous in Indonesian cities and is popular in neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. Padang food is famous for its rich taste of succulent coconut milk and spicy chili. Minang cuisine put much emphasis in three elements; gulai (curry), lado (chili pepper) and bareh (rice). Among the cooking traditions in Indonesian cuisine, Minangkabau cuisine and most of Sumatran cuisine, demonstrate Indian and Middle Eastern influences, with dishes cooked in curry sauce with coconut milk and the heavy use of spices mixture. This book was written by Sri Rahmawati (Founder of PadangFood.Com )from her daily cooking experience for her small family. Some recipes were taken from the notes o...

Cara Cepat Membuat Citation pada Penulisan Paper Penelitian

Membuat citation atau mengutip dari referensi paper penelitian lain terkadang memakan waktu yang cukup lama. Ada sebagian orang yang mengumpulkan paper referensinya dulu sesuai dengan keyword atau beberapa keyword tertentu dengan jumlah yang sangat banyak. Lalu dipilah kembali hingga jumlahnya menyusut. Cukup memakan waktu yang lama apalagi jika semua paper referensi harus dibaca dimulai dari judul hingga kesimpulan. Ada salah satu trik dari pengalaman penulis ketika sedang menulis paper penelitian terindeks scopus, berikut trik cepatnya: Menulis dengan bahasa sendiri dengan memunculkan beberapa keyword sesuai judul paper kita (boleh bahasa indonesia dulu baru translate) -> Cari keyword atau beberapa keyword atau kalimat di pencarian sciencedirect -> baca point-point terpenting dari paper yang kita dapat (dari judul kalo cocok lebih mantap, bisa dari abstrak atau isi juga) -> download paper lalu insert citation. Itu salah satu trik cepat, sejalan dengan wa...

Resolve Error of Implementation '' when Adding Firebase Connection at Gradle Module App

When you get one dependency error at Gradle Module App, because of adding Firebase connection, with library implementation '', you can adding this library to resolve it: implementation ''

Solving app is not indexable by google search consider adding at least one activity with an action-view

I am getting following tool tip in   AndroidManifest.xml App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent-filler. See issue explanation for more details. Adds deep links to get your app into the Google index, to get installs and traffic to your app from Google Search. To solving this problem, I just add this intent-filter at AndroidManifest.xml : <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /> <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" android:pathPrefix="/pesisiran"  /> </intent-filter>  Note:

Solving No IDEA annotations attached to the JDK 1.8

Solving No IDEA annotations attached to the JDK 1.8 (C:\…), some issues will not be found at Android Studio. Just a litte solution and this is work for me. First, quit Android studio. Then, go to  C:\Users\UserName\.android  rename the  build-cache  folder to  build-cache.bak Then, go to  C:\Users\UserName\.AndroidStudio3.2\system  replace the name of these folders caches  to  caches.bak compiler  to  compiler.bak compile-server  to  compile-server.bak conversion to   conversion.bak external_build_system  to  external_build_system.bak frameworks  to  frameworks.bak gradle  to  gradle.bak resource_folder_cache  to  resource_folder_cache.bak After that, open the Android Studio and open your project again.